You've Been BREWED! A Fun Twist on the "You've Been Booed" Craze!

You've Been BREWED! A Fun Twist on the "You've Been Booed" Craze!

Move over, “You’ve Been Booed,” there’s a new craze in town…

…You’ve Been Brewed!

I came across this “Scream and Sugar” coffee when I was in TJ Maxx one day and I instantly thought it would make a cool Halloween gift. A little stroll down the Halloween aisle led to the “Basic Witch” mug and some cute witch napkins, resulting in the perfect little gift idea for my best witches!

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Printable "You've Been Booed!" Halloween Signs

Printable "You've Been Booed!" Halloween Signs

Have you ever been “booed?” Booing is basically a pay-it-forward kind of game where you put together a little bundle of goodies for your friends, then you place them on their doorstep, ring the doorbell, and run away without getting caught. It’s sort of modern Halloween version of Ding, Dong, Ditch!

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