80s-Inspired Favor Buckets

Thanks to Oriental Trading Company for providing me with fabulous products for this post. All ideas and opinions found in this post are my own.


These 80s-Inspired Favor Buckets are totally rad, dude! We used them for our recent “Bad to the Bone” 80s-Inspired Halloween Party, but these fun little favors can be used any time of the year. Take a peek below for the super easy DIY.

For this project you’ll need these goodies that you can scoop up in just a few clicks from Oriental Trading:


If you’ve never heard of a Xyron “Create a Sticker” machine before, it basically turns things into stickers! Simply feed what you’d like to make sticky into the machine, roll it through, and it comes out of the other side with an adhesive backing on it. It’s so fun to use!

I used the Xyron machine to create stickers out of card stock shapes and ric-rac pieces, then adhered them randomly onto the mini pails along with some washi tape strips. If you don’t have a Xyron machine, you can totally use double-sided tape.

Once the pails are decorated, fill them with paper shred and top with candy.


How totally gnarly are these 80s party favors? So cute!!!

Be sure to check out the “Bad to the Bone” 80s-Inspired Party for the full party inspiration, and don’t miss the other 80s-Inspired DIYs: Party Cracker Place Setting Cards and an 80s-Inspired Table Runner.

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